Shackles or Wings:
Discerning between Conviction and CondemnationHow can we tell the difference between holy conviction and unholy condemnation?
Sometimes it difficult to tell whether the guilt or shame we're feeling is conviction or condemnation. That's because they often feel the same to us. It's a feeling that we've done something wrong or that we are not doing something we should be doing. It's not a fleeting feeling, but one that sticks with you until it's addressed. To understand the difference, let's first define the two according to the Bible.
Holy conviction is from God and is specific. It's meant to make you aware of sin in your life and push you toward repentance. God doesn't want anything to come between you and Him. He wants openness and intimacy in your relationship. His desire is to deepen your spiritual faith and transform your character into the character of Jesus Christ. He brings conviction to help and not harm you.
Unholy condemnation, on the other hand, comes from Satan and is vague, bring a sense of guilt, shame and doubt without a sense of why you're feeling that way. Satan wants to drive a wedge between you and God. He wants to heap guilt and sorrow on you and steal your joy. His aim is to make you doubt God and His love for you. Condemnation is meant to tear you down and ultimately destroy you.
"As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting. For you felt a godly grief...For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death." 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 (ESV)
So, when that feeling of unease about ourselves, our attitudes, our actions or our worthiness hit, how do we know whether it's conviction from God or condemnation from Satan?
First we ask the Holy Spirit to give us discernment in the matter. We remember that holy conviction is specific. We ask ourselves, "Does this uneasiness I'm feeling point me to a certain thing in my life that I know is not pleasing to God? Does it lead me to repentance and make me aware of a change I need to make? If this is what you're experiencing, then you know what you need to do - repent. Then thank God for loving you enough to correct you and keep you close to Him.
If, on the other hand, what you are experiencing is more accusatory and heaped with self-loathing, but you can't pinpoint why, you are most likely experiencing unholy condemnation. You may feel like that condemnation is coming from within your own mind, like there's something terribly wrong with you and that there is probably no hope for you. This kind of thinking is a result of Satan's attempt to control you and bring you down. The solution is to turn to God. Ask Him to help you stand strong in the face of the enemy. Dig into God's word and agree with who He says you are in Christ. Ask Him to help you recognize the lies you have been believing and to replace them with His truth.
What does the Bible say about condemnation?
Romans 8:1 tells us that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
1 John 3:20 lets us know that "If our own hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts and He knows everything."
John 3:17 says, "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."
And Psalm 34:22 promises that "The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in Him will be condemned."
I hope this post has been helpful in helping you discern the difference between conviction and condemnation; One gives you shackles and the other gives you wings.
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