Friday, January 20, 2017

Waiting on God - You're not Alone

You've prayed (many times) yet the answer has not come. You're weary, sick, alone and feel as if God has forgotten you. You've read, believed and stood on God's promises. You feel your faith wavering, your hope fading, your trust crumbling. You are holding on frantically, but losing your grip. You know God loves you, wants the best for you and is able to rescue you, yet He has not yet stepped in and you wonder why. What purpose could there be to this waiting?

Dear friend, you are not alone. Many believers across the land are waiting. They, too are discouraged, confused and desperate to see God's hand move.

If all who are waiting on the Lord were gathered together in one place, what would they do? What would you do? Would you commiserate, recounting your own woes and doubts, or would you look on those troubled souls and speak life to them? Would you encourage them with words of faith, pray for them, let them know that they are not alone - that you are standing with them?

Of course you would, and in the process, your own strength would be renewed, your own spirit lifted and your own hope refreshed.

You may not be standing in the midst of that waiting throng, but you know they are out there and you can still do the one thing that would be most helpful and loving. You can pray for them. Pray all the things that you would say if you were with them, and in the process, you will be strengthened, for God honors love.

So, as you wait, pray, and as you wait, take a look around you. There are people who are waiting on the Lord, struggling to maintain hope, feeling all alone. They may be the people closest to you. Don't let them stand alone. Reach out and offer friendship, understanding, encouragement and most of all, love and together praise God while you are waiting, knowing that He is faithful and will reward those who endure with patience and trust on His perfect timing and His perfect answer.

"Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you." Psalm 33:20-22

Are you in that waiting place? Discouraged and feeling alone? I would love to pray for you. Please leave a comment below and know that you are not alone. I'm here with you.


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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

There's more to repentance than you thought.

I recently made a trip home to Ohio for the holidays and had a wonderful time with my large circle of family and friends. 

Coming home, I was glad to be with my husband, but quickly became dissatisfied with the loneliness of life here in Arizona. What family I do have here are all busy working and involved with families and work of their own. I understand that, but it still leaves me lonely.

All this culminated in a day of whining and feeling sorry for myself. By the end of the day, I was headed to full blown depression, so when my sweet husband walked in from work and asked, "How was your day?" I crumbled. Then, I unloaded on him. Not blaming him, but just venting.

He held me, prayed for me and asked what he could to to help. Short of moving back to Ohio, there was nothing more he could do than what he was already doing. Fortunately, bedtime came soon and rescued him from having to listen to me any further.

The next morning I sat with God in prayer, repenting for wallowing in self-pity and thanking God for the blessings that I have in my life. I had to admit that much of my loneliness was my own fault. I had retired early, often rejected invitations to spend time with friends and spent way too much time on Facebook, telling myself that this interaction with friends and family made up self-imposed isolation and for being away from my Ohio kin. (Yes, kin - country girl here.) 

Anyway, after a good repentance session and feeling forgiveness flow from the Father, I flipped open my Bible and decided to start reading through the New Testament for the New Year. It wasn't long before I came to Matthew 3:8...

"Produce fruit in keeping with repentance."

Oh, boy - that one hit me right between the eyes. Repentance brings forgiveness, however that's not the end of it. We must then begin producing "fruit" that shows that we are truly sorry for our behavior. In other words, change the behavior - turn around and go the other way - stop doing what you were doing that brought you to the point of sin. It's not to earn forgiveness, because that's a free gift from God, but it's behavior that shows you shun sin and embrace godly change.

LOL - God has a way of spelling it out for, ya. You know what I mean?

Your thoughts on this? 


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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Who's Who in Your Relationship with God?

Something to think about.


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Thursday, September 15, 2016

You are God's Girl

I was nothing special. Just a common girl, growing up in my uncle's home. Living an uneventful life, until the day I was taken away to the king's palace where I was pampered and perfumed, dressed in silk garments and schooled in refinement, but inside, I was still that common girl. Suddenly, an overheard conversation revealed mortal danger for my people and I, only I, was positioned to save my people from annihilation. Scared, inadequate, I sought my God for wisdom and guidance, then He heard my cry, showed me what to do and my people were saved.

You are now positioned to save those around you. Perhaps not from physical death, but from spiritual death, from the plans of the evil one, who seeks to destroy their lives. You think yourself a common girl, nothing special, but you are God's girl, placed in this time and space for specific purposes. Will you allow Him to use you?

Each day you are surrounded by hurting people, wounded and broken by the hardships of life. You are light in a dark place, hope where there is none, a friendly face among the crowd. It is no coincidence that you are where you are - your city, school, work place, neighborhood, even the stores you frequent. God has situated you to share His love with those around you. Will you be His hand extended?

This is the moment for which you were created. Each encounter is an opportunity to bless - a smile, a kind word, a pat on the back, a whispered prayer - these are life changers. Let Him help you change lives today.

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Saturday, August 6, 2016

What happens when we talk about the Lord?

Don't you just love getting into a good conversation about the Lord? When thoughts and scriptures flow to and from one another? When questions are asked and someone can give the answer from the Word? When a friend shares a moment when God stepped into the middle of a bad situation and turned it around for good?

Those kind of conversations stir my spirit and build my faith, but there's something else that happens when we stop along the way to talk about the Lord together.  I found it in Malachi 3:16 this morning...
"Then those who feared the Lord talked often one to another; and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord and who thought on his name." (AMP)
"Then those who honored the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened and heard them. The names of those who honored the Lord and respected him were written in his presence in a book to be remembered." (NCV)
"Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name." (NIV)
"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name." (KJV)
"Then those whose lives honored God got together and talked it over. God saw what they were doing and listened in. A book was opened in God’s presence and minutes were taken of the meeting, with the names of the God-fearers written down, all the names of those who honored God’s name." (MSG)
Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name." (NLT)
See, no matter which version of the Bible you prefer, the fact remains that God takes notice of what we say about him when we get together. He keeps a record of our conversations. 

How it must please him when his children discuss his goodness and faithfulness. How he must delight when we speak in faith rather than in fear and trust rather than doubt. It must cheer his heart when he hears his children encourage one another to stand strong in their faith. He must be thrilled when we surround a hurting brother or sister with love and prayers and support.

Let's bring him honor today. Let's be aware of our words as we talk with one another. May our words encourage, uplift and inspire others to draw closer to Him.

He is watching and listening to our conversations. Will he be blessed or disappointed with what we say today?

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Friday, June 17, 2016

Satan's Gone Fishing - Don't Take the Bait!

I grew up fishing with my Dad. He knew just where to fish, what bait to use and the right lure to use if the live bait didn't work.  If the lure or bait wasn't drawing them in, he had a "magic" spray that made them smell enticing to the fish once they took the hook, he knew exactly how to work the line and reel them in.

Me? I always felt a little sorry for the fish. I mean, there they were, swimming along, minding their own business when suddenly something catches their eye. It's shiny, it's moving seductively, it even smells good in a wormy kind of way.

What's the fish expecting? A yummy treat that's going to be so satisfying. A distraction that makes swimming around in the same old boring lake seem fun and exciting. Maybe he's dreaming of how he's going to brag to the "guys" about how good it was. He might even recommend that his buddies give it a try.

What did the fish get? A sharp pain, dragged out of his place of comfort, away from his fishy family. Finally, he was pulled to destruction and finally to his death.

Are you getting the connection?

Satan loves to go fishing. He also knows just where to fish - usually among those who are dissatisfied or bored with the status quo of their life.  He suspects that they're hungry for something new, that they're vulnerable to just the right bait.  

The devil has a tackle box full of lures and magic sprays. He will try everything in his arsenal until he finds what works with you, and when he does, and when you bite, he'll reel you in so fast it will make your little fishy head spin.

Saying yes to his bait will cost you - sometimes your job, friendships, marriage, reputation, money...make no mistake...he will drag you further and further away from happiness until destruction surrounds you and if possible, he will seek to take your life.

How to keep from falling for Satan's bait:
  • Read God's word to stay spiritually strong
  • Be aware of the Devil's schemes and on guard against them
  • Pray to be kept from temptation
  • Pray for insight and wisdom
  • If it looks good - BE CAREFUL!
What to do if you're already on the hook and headed fast toward the shore of destruction:
  • Admit and renounce your sin
  • Ask God to forgive you
  • Admit your sin to a Pastor or a strong and trusted Christian friend- ask them to pray for you
  • Make yourself accountable to someone
  • Make amends with those you've hurt
God has the power to take you off the hook and restore your life. Oh, you might have a sore mouth for a while. Sin always hurts and might even leave a scar. Sin has consequences, but God will strengthen you to face them.

Final advice - stay away from flashy things that distract and tempt you to stray from what you know is safe and right.  

Don't take the bait!

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Crucifixion - It's a Good Thing

As I read this scripture today, I had to ask myself, "Has the world really been crucified to me and I to the world?"

Admittedly, we have to live in this world, but let's look at what Jesus prayed just before he ascended to Heaven...

“I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." John 17: 13-18
Jesus said that he was not asking the Father to take us out of the world, but that God would protect us from the evil one.  

  • Why would we need protection?  
Because the world, under the influence of the evil one (Satan) will hate us, just as it hated Jesus.
  • Why would Jesus want us to stay in this world? 
Because we are light in this dark place. We are a preserving power, keeping evil from overcoming all good.  We are Children of the Living God, filled with the Holy Spirit, representing His love as we reach out to others with the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ. He is sending us into the world, just as God sent Jesus to the world.
  • How do we crucify the world and yet still be engaged in ministering to others? 
First, crucifying the "world" does NOT mean crucifying (figuratively speaking) the people in it. God loves people - all people, even the mean ones, and He commands us to do the same. If you can't minister to them, reason with them, or reach them - PRAY FOR THEM and ask God to give you His love for them. Make a difference to those around you in any way you can. Ask God to give you open doors and open hearts, then reach out to those around you.
  • How do we crucify ourselves to the world?
While we are in the world, we will be tempted to adopt the world's standards, culture's morals and habits - those things that go against biblical standards and God's commands. It's a subtle temptation, to which our carnal nature leans. It's a tendency to make small compromises to fit in or enjoy just a little sin - to live right on the edge. To dabble in things we know that if taken to the extreme would be a sin.  Our rationale is, "Just a little won't hurt." That's how every vice, every addiction, every moral failure begins. Flirting with sin is a dangerous habit, so start with those little temptations. Say no at the beginning of temptation and yes to the things that please God. That's how we crucify our selves to the world.
  • But, won't I miss all the fun in life?
Sin may look like fun, but there are always consequences to sin. Yes, there is forgiveness, but that doesn't always alleviate the suffering caused by our bad choices.  Avoiding sin requires self-discipline, which is a fruit of the Spirit. You have the ability to be disciplined enough to say no - you just have to exercise it.  God has already extended the grace you need to say NO to sin.
"For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age" Titus 2:11-12
  • What's the pay off?
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11
The pay off to crucifying the world's sins to you and you to the world's temptation to join in those sins, is a righteousness that pleases God and a peace that settles deep in you soul. Add to that the full measure of Jesus' joy that He promised in the verses above and your life will be rich and fulfilling. RIGHTEOUSNESS (being right with God), deep PEACE and JOY beyond measure - what a way to live!

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