Sunday, March 9, 2025

Go Ask Your Father

Children have an insatiable hunger for knowledge. They have questions about everything. How? Why? When? Sometime their inquiries can drive you crazy, but their enthusiasm to know is amazing. Who do they usually go to for answers? For me, it was my father. It seemed he knew everything.

The Bible tells us to "inquire of the Lord" in many passages. The definition of inquire is to ask questions, probe, look or investigate. We only ask questions because we are hungry to know - to understand.

Sometimes inquisitive children can drive a parent crazy with their constant questioning. You know who's not like that? God. He is the most patient Father a person could have. He welcomes our questions, loves it when we seek him out for answers to life's situations, decisions or circumstances. He doesn't shoo us away but pulls us onto his lap and patiently answers every question. 

He is a loving and kind Father who wants to guide us through life, help us understand and make wise choices. He wants to walk us through life's ups and downs so we never feel as if we are alone.

I have to ask myself...How often do I turn to God for answers? How often do I turn elsewhere for answers?

I can imagine God bending down to point out the answer, encouraging me to read His book to find answers and listening to my prayers, which are often filled with questions. He is the kind of Father we would all like to have.

Let's come to Him with a child-like humility and a hunger to see things from His perspective, knowing that he will never turn us away.


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