Showing posts with label lending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lending. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2012

No More Whining

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. (New International Version 1984) - Luke 6:35

This verse has special meaning to me. You see, several years ago we sold a truck to a friend for much less than we felt we could get elsewhere, because...well, because he was our friend. He needed a vehicle to get back and forth to work, but didn't have much money. We let him take possession of the truck with the agreement that he would make 9 monthly payments. He made one payment. That's all.

While our friend was not my enemy and we never had harsh words over it, as the months passed, it did cause hard feelings in my heart. Feelings that I let fester. Feelings that gradually built a wall between us. This is not acceptable for a child of God.

I whined to God - Lord, we were trying to help him out and look what he did to us. You know we could use the money. Why would you allow him to treat us like that? Whaa-whaa-whaa ...

Pitiful, right?

Well, God has used this verse to remind me that He gives, He loves, He is kind - even to those who are wicked and ungrateful. He reminded me that everything I have was given to me by Him and that I don't need to fuss about what is "owed" to me. Now, when we lend, we truly consider it a gift. If the person decides to pay it back, wonderful, if not, that's okay, too, because God is our provider and because giving freely emulates the Father's gift to us.

No more whining...well, at least not about people who don't pay me back. I'm still workin' on some other stuff.

Aren't we all?     

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