Showing posts with label discouragement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discouragement. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2017

Waiting on God - You're not Alone

You've prayed (many times) yet the answer has not come. You're weary, sick, alone and feel as if God has forgotten you. You've read, believed and stood on God's promises. You feel your faith wavering, your hope fading, your trust crumbling. You are holding on frantically, but losing your grip. You know God loves you, wants the best for you and is able to rescue you, yet He has not yet stepped in and you wonder why. What purpose could there be to this waiting?

Dear friend, you are not alone. Many believers across the land are waiting. They, too are discouraged, confused and desperate to see God's hand move.

If all who are waiting on the Lord were gathered together in one place, what would they do? What would you do? Would you commiserate, recounting your own woes and doubts, or would you look on those troubled souls and speak life to them? Would you encourage them with words of faith, pray for them, let them know that they are not alone - that you are standing with them?

Of course you would, and in the process, your own strength would be renewed, your own spirit lifted and your own hope refreshed.

You may not be standing in the midst of that waiting throng, but you know they are out there and you can still do the one thing that would be most helpful and loving. You can pray for them. Pray all the things that you would say if you were with them, and in the process, you will be strengthened, for God honors love.

So, as you wait, pray, and as you wait, take a look around you. There are people who are waiting on the Lord, struggling to maintain hope, feeling all alone. They may be the people closest to you. Don't let them stand alone. Reach out and offer friendship, understanding, encouragement and most of all, love and together praise God while you are waiting, knowing that He is faithful and will reward those who endure with patience and trust on His perfect timing and His perfect answer.

"Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you." Psalm 33:20-22

Are you in that waiting place? Discouraged and feeling alone? I would love to pray for you. Please leave a comment below and know that you are not alone. I'm here with you.


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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Brokenhearted and Crushed in Spirit

Sometimes life can be overwhelming. We’re tired and worn, discouraged and disheartened by the problems of life in this world.  The good news is that when we cry out to God for help, he hears and delivers us from our troubles.

That doesn’t always mean he takes away the circumstances. Often he does a greater work by strengthening us and changing us as he walks through those circumstances with us.

We are never alone and we never leave one of our own to struggle through their own difficulties. We gather around them, pray for them, encourage them and support them.  That’s what the family of God does.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

You can put away the duct tape!

"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear." Ephesians 4:29

Image credit: martyhaas, 123RF Stock Photo
The past few days have been rough. I've been feeling discouraged and out of sorts with several things in my life. How did I handle it?  The wrong way!

I mumbled, I grumbled, I complained and whined. I nursed and rehearsed hurts and problems. I neglected my time with God and made those around me want to run the other way.

The words that were coming out of my mouth were anything but wholesome. While I pride myself on not being a person who swears, I know that negativity can do more harm than a cuss word ever could.  Negativity tears down not only the speaker, but everyone around them. Negativity is contageous and I was a carrier.

It's a wonder my friends and family didn't pull out a roll of duct tape and shut me up!

Fortunately, this evening God got ahold of me and gave me a good talking to. He reminded me that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart are supposed to be acceptable to Him (Psalm 19:14)... Mine weren't.

He reminded that reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. (Proverbs 12:18)

He reminded me that the tongue has the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21)

Positive, faith-filled words bring life, contentment and hope to both the speaker and the hearer.

Negative, discouraging words bring death to the spirit and hopes of both the speaker and the hearer.

If I have to be a carrier of either life and hope or death and hopelessness...I choose life.

This girl is gonna be watchin' her words from not on, so you can put away the duct tape!

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