Wednesday, January 4, 2023

God, I trust you, but...

 The trust factor - we know that it's vital in our relationship with God, but trust is not always easy, even when it comes to trusting Him. 

So, what is trust anyway? 

Trust is - the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

It's hard to admit that sometimes we don't trust God. Why is that?


Nearly all of us have experienced broken trust in our lives. Someone that we trusted let us down. didn't keep their promise, hurt us deeply. That kind of experience can make us fearful of trusting others. But God's not like that. He's never made a promise that He didn't keep...and He never will.

Psalm 145:13 assures us that "...The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does."

Over the next few posts we will take a look at some of God's promises and talk about how we can let go of fear and increase our faith and trust in God.

Romans 8:28    Psalm 28:7    Jeremiah 17:7-8    2 Timothy 1:7

In what area(s) do you find it difficult to trust God?
How has God come through for you in this area in the past?
How does fear play a part in your struggle to trust God?


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