Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thunderstorms and Wimpy Dogs

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. " Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

We had a short, but beautiful thunder storm tonight. My husband and I sat on the porch watching lightening streak across the sky and counting the seconds before we heard the thunder.  My Dad always said that if you begin counting as soon as you see the lightning, whatever number you stopped on, that's how many miles away the storm is.  He was probably making it up, but I still like to do it.

Our dogs Max and Oliver came out on the porch to watch, but ran back inside the house everytime they saw the lightening and heard the thunder.  They were scared to death (we have wimpy dogs).

I have to say that sometimes I react to the storms of life the same way my wimpy dogs do.  I want to run for cover and hide under the bed until the storm has passed.  I don't like storms in my life.  I want sunny days and cool breezes. But if I never faced a storm, how would I ever know that God is strong enough to see me through them and that He never leaves my side when I am walking through the storm?

It may sound funny, but just like I enjoy sitting outside and watching a thunderstorm with my husband, I am beginning to enjoy the storms of life when they come my way, because I know that at the end of the storm (which is usually pretty short-lived), I will have a deeper understanding of the grace and mercy of God.

Father, thank you for the storms of life that teach us that we can depend on you no matter what life throws at us and that we are never alone, but that you are right there with us, holding our hand and leading us through.  Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Healing Hugs

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10

Sandy hopped into the car at the end of the school day.

"Did you have a good day?" asked her mother.

She nodded her head, making her blonde curls bounce in place. "Oh, yes," she said, "but it didn't start out very good."

"Why is that, honey?" her mother asked.

"Well, at first recess I saw Karen sitting on the steps crying, but I helped her and after a minute she stopped crying and we went to play on the swings, then we have fun all day together." said Sandy.

"That's great, sweetheart. How did you help Karen? What did you say to make her stop crying?" Mother asked.

"I didn't say anything," said Karen, "I just hugged her and helped her cry."


We don't have to be extremely talented to be used by God to help other people. We just have to be willing to reach out with whatever gift God has given us to encourage, uplift, strengthen those around us.

If you can write - write, if you can cook - cook, if you can fix a car - fix a car, if you can sing - sing, if you can teach - teach...(you get the picture).

God has given each of us gifts, talents & abilities for one purpose - to serve others. By cultivating and putting into use those gifts, we are being good stewards of God's grace - no matter what form it takes.

So, what's are your talents? Are you using them to serve others?

Father, thank you for the gifts, talents and abilities you have given me. Though they may seem small in my eyes, they were given for a specific person - so that I may minister to those around me. Help me to recognize my gifts and please help me to see opportunities to use those gifts so that I may be a minister of your Grace to those around me. Amen
(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Growing Up

"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11 (NLT)

While doing some cleaning, I came across some little boy toys and infant clothing belonging to my grandsons, Ethan and David, who just turned 12 and 10.  These items brought back many treasured memories of when they were babies and toddlers.

How we loved to sing songs about dinosaurs and read their favorite book about a grandma who baked such wonderful pies that she was kidnapped by pirates so she could bake pies for them.  We made regular trips to the park where I would push them high in the swings as they squealed with delight (or fear - I'm not sure which).

I miss those days, but as I look at these boys now, fast becoming young men, my heart swells with pride. Ethan has just finished a young leaders course at church and has taken on the task of greeting other kids as they come into their youth group and making them feel welcome.  David is becoming a leader at school and loves to sing contemporary Christian songs. (I think he's going to be a worship leader.) I look at their parents, who are pouring themselves into these boys and I think what a blessed woman I am!

It's hard to watch them set aside their little boy ways, to not be able to cuddle them on my lap or to make up silly songs just to hear them laugh (now they just roll their eyes), but I can watch them grow into fine young men who love God with all their heart and love others. It's another phase of Grandmothering that just makes me burst with pride and thanksgiving to God.

Father, we thank you that as our children and grandchildren grow, we can still be a vital part of their lives. We can bring joy and love and just as important, we can pray for them, trusting that You will direct their footsteps and bring them in adulthood as fully devoted followers of Christ. Thank you for all you're doing in their lives. I'm glad that the frequent, fervent prayers of a righteous Grandmother are being heard and answered. Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


"For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

Blessings - by Laura Story

I heard this song for the first time this week and just had to share it.  Laura wrote this song out of a life experience she and her husband, Martin have been living for the last several years.

A couple of years into their marriage, Martin was diagnosed as having a brain tumor. The couple went from not knowing if he was going to live for a while to seeing God bring healing in parts of his body, but they have still been struggling for several years with areas in which he had yet to experience healing, such as his vision and memory.

Often it's the ongoing struggles which lead us to wonder where God is. It makes us question his love and our faith.  Laura's song addresses this struggle so beautifully and asks the question; what if the trials of this life are His mercies in disguise.

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

You Changed my Sorrow into Dancing!

"You changed my sorrow into dancing…" Psalm 30:11a (NCV)

"Get up," Mary said, shaking me out of a troubled sleep.  Memories of the previous day clawed at my wakening mind. I groaned and rolled away from the hands trying to pull me from my slumber.

"Go away, Mary," I said.

"Hurry," she insisted, tossing my sandals at my feet, "We must take the spices and anoint the body of our Lord."

We stepped out on the street just as the sun was rising. The air hung heavy about us, stifling and still. As the sunlight began to steal across the city, I thought how pointless it was. Why should the sun ever shine again?

Our hope had been crucified; our Beloved, beaten and scorned had hung on a cross as we watched Him draw a last ragged breath.  Even the heavens had convulsed in horror of His death.

Mary nudged me onward toward the cave belonging to Joseph, the one where they had placed Jesus just before the Sabbath had begun.

Salome had been quiet until now.

"How will we roll the stone away?" she asked as we neared the place.

We stared at each other, realizing that the three of us together could not budge the boulder covering the opening of the grave.

"We will a find a way," Mary' said, pushing steadily forward.

As we neared the grave, the ground began to shake. Terrified, I clutched Mary for support, and then reached for Salome, who was nearly thrown to the ground. It was over quickly, but fear would not leave my heart.  The earth had quaked like this immediately after Jesus had died, the skies had turned black as a terrible thunder roll across the heavens.  Was the world coming to an end?  It may as well; there was nothing to live for any longer.

Mary set her jaw the way she often did when she had made up her mind to do something, "Keep moving - we must anoint His body, " she said.

We hurried to keep up with her, but she suddenly stopped and I ran right into her.

"Look," she said, pointing at two Roman guards lying on the ground.

"Are they dead?" Salome asked, but Mary did not answer. She had turned and was staring at the grave.

I followed her gaze to see that the stone had been rolled away.

My heart pounded violently in my chest as I pushed past Mary and ran to the tomb.

"He's gone," I said when Salome and Mary clamored in behind me.  Suddenly a light so bright that we had to shield our eyes filled the cave and a voice said, "Don't be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus, who has been crucified. He is not here. He has risen from the dead as He said He would."

I looked toward the place where Jesus had lain and saw a being I can barely describe.

"Come," he continued, "and see the place where His body was. And go quickly and tell His followers that Jesus has risen from the dead. He is going into Galilee ahead of you, and you will see Him there." The light faded and he was gone.

We stood, trembling and numb from fear. Had we seen an angel? Could it be that Christ was alive? My heart leapt for joy as a vague memory of Jesus ' words came to mind...the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles: And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise again.

"He's alive!" The realization sent shivers down my spine. "He's alive, risen from the dead, just as He said He would.  I clutched at Mary's arm, "He's alive, Mary - He's alive!"

We rushed to tell the others, tripping over our garments as we ran, laughing and shouting from that place.
Jesus was alive!

In the days that followed, our Lord showed Himself to many of us and we rejoiced at every moment spent with Him until one day He bid us farewell and promised to come again to take us to be with Him forever. As we stood, watching Him ascend into the skies, my heart sang, for I knew this was not a parting. Even as I watched Him go, I could feel His presence filling my very soul. I would never be without Him, and someday, He would take me to be with Him for all eternity.

Jesus is alive!

This story is part of an Easter/Ressurection themed blog chain. Below are links to other bloggers who posted on this theme. I invite you to visit each blog and enjoy reading about Easter & the Resurection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Comments are welcome. Have a blessed Easter!

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Father's Wisdom

"…we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began...These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God."  1 Corinthians 2:7 & 10 (NIV)

As a child, I thought my Dad was the smartest man on earth. If I needed to know something, Dad had the answer (even if he had to make it up). If something needed fixed, he knew how to fix. If something needed built, he could build it. Everyone in the family came to him for answers.

Unfortunately, there was one area of life where his expertise ran out…the spiritual part of life. I remember asking him a question about God. He wouldn't answer. Didn't want to discuss it and I quickly learned that spiritual questions would put him in a bad mood, so I quit asking.

Fortunately, I didn't have to depend on my Dad to learn about God. My aunt and uncle took me to church and encouraged me to read my Bible. My pastor and Sunday school teachers taught me about Him and finally, God, himself began teaching me and He has continued teaching me for nearly 50 years…and I'm still discovering delightful mysteries about Him as His Spirit reveals them to me, for the Spirit knows the deep things of God and will open our eyes to them as we consistently seek to know God better.

What a wondrous journey we are on!

Father, thank you for your Spirit, who reveals the wonders of your character, the depth of your love, the vastness of your grace and mercy. Thank you for being a Father who is never bothered by questions, never too busy to answer and never in a cranky mood. I love you! Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Taming the Tongue and Stinkin' Thinkin'

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart  Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14 (NKJV)

Oh, boy! When the Bible starts talking about the mouth and our thoughts, I start to squirm. This has always been an area of challenge for me. Am I the only one?

I'm doing much better these days with thinking before I speak and with not dwelling on things that are not good to think about, but years ago this was a real struggle for me.

God had a way of breaking me, though…not a fun way, but a very effective way. Every time I would talk about someone behind their back, He made sure it got back to them! It was embarrassing, messed up relationships and required eating huge amounts of humble pie, which tastes horrible, by the way.

As for my thought life - I'm still working on that one. I have to be careful not to dwell on negative thoughts because they directly affect my moods. I am happy to say that I've conquered the "arguing with other people in my head" syndrome, though. Do you ever do that? Have a fight with someone in your head, providing the dialogue for both parties and by the end of it all you're really mad at the person you had an imaginary fight with?

No?  Just me, then - but, thankfully, that one's under control.

Father, help me to remember that my thought life should reflect my spiritual life and that if I find my thoughts are out of line, I need to seek you more, read more of your word and ask you to renew my mind. The words of my mouth will follow what's stored up in my heart, so if I get one right, the other will take care of itself. Thank you for loving me even when my words and my thoughts are not what they should be and thank you for grace that forgives. Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)