Monday, April 18, 2011

For the Sake of Argument

"And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth."  2 Timothy 2:24-25 (NIV) 

Have you ever run into those people who enjoy making a debate out of everything?  They will play the devil's advocate on every issue just for the sake of argument.  They may not even believe the stance they're taking on the topic at hand, but enjoy the debate so much that they're willing to flip-flop just to keep things going.

They're usually not interested in coming to a solid and truthful conclusion - they just want to debate.  They drive me crazy!

As Christians, I hope that none of us allow ourselves to be pulled into these pointless arguments.  If we are careful to listen to the Holy Spirit, we will be able to discern when someone is truly interested in an honest discussion or when they just want to argue every side of an issue.

We must always be ready to give an answer for our faith...

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)

 ...but we don't have to feel obligated to engage in pointless arguments with someone who is not truly interested in discussing God.  Let the Spirit lead you, speak kindly in hopes that God will open their minds, but at the point it just becomes an argument - feel free to politely walk away.

Father, thank you for friends who are truly seeking answers. Give us the right words at the right time to point the way to Christ. Help us also to recognize those who just want to pull us into senseless arguments and show us a way to politely excuse ourselves from the debate. Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Voice of Truth

"Guide me in your truth, and teach me, my God, my Savior. I trust you all day long." Psalm 25:5 (NCV)

As a non-fiction writer, attempting to write my first novel, I sometimes catch myself wondering what makes me think I can write a novel good enough to compete with thousands of other novels vying for the attention of agents and publishers these days.

From what I've read, only about 10% of queries or submissions ever make it into print; 10 in 1000 books. Those odds alone are enough to make you wonder if it's worth pouring your heart and soul...not to mention hours and hours of your life into writing a book.

In spite of the odds, I am convinced that if God has placed within you the ability to write and if you cultivate that ability by learning your trade and if you persevere at your craft, you will be published. If you feel God prompting you to write a book, write it - I did and my book was published by the first publisher I approached. (You can read how it happened HERE.)

So, the next time you doubt your calling to write, don't listen to all the statistics or the nay-sayers that tell you it's next to impossible to get published these days, instead, listen to the Voice of Truth!

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Make Your Own Kind of Music!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."  Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

A mockingbird sat in the tree just outside my window this morning, singing his little heart out. I was amazed by the many different sounds he could make.  When I lived in Ohio, I had bird feeders at my windows and quickly learned to recognize different species by their calls. I could usually tell which birds were at the feeder before looking.

As I listened to the serenade outside my window this morning, I didn't know whether to feel sad because the mockingbird had no song of his own and had to imitate the sounds of other birds or awed that this articulate bird could speak so many different languages.

The books say that male mockingbirds sing the loudest and that males without mates often sing into the night. (Resisting the urge to make a snide comment here) A male mocking bird is able to learn up to 200 songs and has even been known to imitate the sounds of barking dogs, sirens and crying babies. (still resisting the urge)

I feel sad for the mockingbird. It's so lonely and has to imitate the songs of other birds in an effort to attract a mate. 

I've known people who are like mockingbirds. They are so lonely that they will disguise who they really are and take on the persona of the kind of person they think others want them to be in order to attract companionship.

Since we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, shouldn't we be who He has created to be?

Father, thank you for making each one of uniquely wonderful. Help us to stand proud and be who we truly are, secure in the knowledge that you love us and that you will bring others into our lives that are attracted to us for who we are, not for who we pretend to be. Amen (and please bring a mate for that poor little mockingbird outside my window.)

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mindreaders - real or hoax?

"Lord, you have examined me and know all about me. You know when I sit down and when I get up. You know my thoughts before I think them.  You know where I go and where I lie down. You know everything I do. " Psalm 139:1-3 (NIV)

Mindreaders - real or hoax?

I'm sure you've seen those TV shows or Vegas acts where they claim to be able to read people's minds. They seem to know things about their subject that they just couldn't know unless they're actually reading their minds. Fortunately, these performers have been exposed so many times that most people don't buy into the whole mind reading hoax, but let's bring this subject a little closer to home.

Can you read minds? Can those around you read your mind?

Bunk, you say? Then why is it that people often assume that they know what someone else is thinking? And why is it that we often assume that they are thinking something bad?

I'm sure it's happened to you. You're having a discussion with someone...maybe we should call it a disagreement and the person accuses you of thinking something that has never crossed your mind. Or maybe it was you who accused the other person,  "I know what you're thinking!"

In fact we can put ourselves in the place of playing mindreader without even talking with the person. You know, those imaginary discussions you have with other in your head...the ones where you supply the dialogue for the both of you?

We don't like it when people assume that they know what we are thinking, so let's not do that to others.

There is One, however, who can read our every thought, feel exactly what we are feeling and even know what we are going to do before we do it. He is loving and kind and has our best interests at heart. He is all knowing, full of wisdom and is willing to share that knowledge with us.  Now, there's a mind worth reading!

Father, help us to refrain from assuming the thoughts of others, because that often leads to misunderstandings. If we are to read anyone's mind, let it be the mind of Christ as laid out in your Word. Let us receive wisdom and guidance from your Holy Spirit as He gives us insight into what you think and how you feel about us. And Lord, keep us ever mindful that you are reading our thoughts and that you know the intents of our hearts. May they be pleasing to you, O God. Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Want to change things in Washington DC?

photo courtesy slonecker,
"Pray for rulers and for all who have authority so that we can have quiet and peaceful lives full of worship and respect for God." 1 Timothy 2:2 (NCV)

I turn on the evening news and just shake my head in amazement or is it in dismay? There must be some mind altering substance in the drinking water in our nation's capital.

It seems to attack the memory first because most of those politicians we voted into office have forgotten their campaign promises. Next, it affects the ability to tell the truth and finally, it zaps the common sense right out of a person. At least that's the only explaination I can come up with for the crazy goings on in Washington these days.

I am so glad that God told us to pray for our rulers and those in authority over us, because that means that He wants to get involved. He wants to influence the decisions made on our behalf so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives.  So why isn't that happening?  Why are those crazy politicians messing everything up so badly?

Perhaps it's because we are too busy complaining about them to pray for them.

Father, you see the condition our country is in - the decisions being made on Capitol Hill that affect our economy, our security, our health....standard of living. There are many good decisions being made, but it seems that there are many more poor decisions being made. We can't possibly know all the details, but you do.  You have commanded us to pray for our rulers and those in authority - please help us to remember to do that so that you might influence their decisions.  We ask you now to help our politicians and law-makers to make wise decisions on our behalf that we might live quiet and peaceful lives. We declare once again, "In God We Trust!" Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Waking Up to the Good Stuff

“Your words are what sustain me. They bring me great joy and are my heart’s delight.” Jeremiah 15:16 (NLT)

I've developed a habit each morning of starting the day with a good cup of coffee and the Word of God.

When I first started, I had to force myself to go to my bedroom, sit in my comfy chair and pick up my Bible. (The coffee was no problem.)  I always enjoyed my time with God in the morning, but just making the time to sit down and read seemed hard.

Now-a-days, I look eagerly forward to starting each day curled up in that chair with my Bible in my lap. I read until a verse hits home, then I copy it down on a 3 X 5 card and carry it with me throughout the day. I take time to pray after reading each morning and then go about my day knowing that God is with me no matter what the day brings.

If I happen to skip a day for whatever reason, I really miss it because this has come to be such a cherished moment in my day.

If you don't already have a regular time of Bible reading and prayer, do yourself a favor and start one. It will bless you to no end and will move you into a natural, steady growth in your spiritual life.

Father, your words do sustain us and bring us great joy. Time spent with you is precious and is a perfect way to start the day. As we withdraw to a special place and make time in our day for You, make us aware of your presence and lead us through your word and then through our day. Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Make a list!

"Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— " Psalm 103:1-2 (NIV)

Why is it that psychiatrists/psychologists want you to dig around in your past and bring up every bad thing that ever happened to you in order to explain why your life is a mess right now?  Does it make you feel better or worse?

Wouldn't it be better if they sat you down with a piece of paper and a pen and told you to write down every good thing that's ever happened to you - every blessing you've had in the past and every blessing you have in your life right this minute.

You may still have problems to work through, but you would be starting from a much more positive place than the other way around.

While reading Psalm 103 today, I realized that this is exactly what the Psalmist did. He reminded himself to praise the Lord from his the deepest part of his soul and reminded himself not to forget all the Lord's benefits (blessings), then he began to make a list of those blessings.

Here, read it for yourself, then go grab a piece of paper and pen and make your own list. I promise it will make you feel better!

Psalm 103

1 Praise the LORD, my soul;
   all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD, my soul,
   and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
   and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
   and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
   so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
 6 The LORD works righteousness
   and justice for all the oppressed.
 7 He made known his ways to Moses,
   his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
   slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
   nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
   or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
   so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
   so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
 13 As a father has compassion on his children,
   so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
   he remembers that we are dust.
15 The life of mortals is like grass,
   they flourish like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
   and its place remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
   the LORD’s love is with those who fear him,
   and his righteousness with their children’s children—
18 with those who keep his covenant
   and remember to obey his precepts.
 19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven,
   and his kingdom rules over all.
 20 Praise the LORD, you his angels,
   you mighty ones who do his bidding,
   who obey his word.
21 Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts,
   you his servants who do his will.
22 Praise the LORD, all his works
   everywhere in his dominion.
   Praise the LORD, my soul.

Father, help us to remember to focus on you and the many blessings you pour out each day, rather than on our problems. Help us to remember that you are in control and that you will bring us out on the other side of each problem victoriously and that you will give us peace and joy as we go through it, holding tightly to your hand. Amen

(Copyright© 2011 Jan Christiansen. All rights reserved.)